

Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic postnatal neurological disorder with the most physically disabling symptoms, is mostly caused by a spontaneous genetic mutations in the gene.

MECP2 and almost exclusively affects girls.

1 IN 10,000 Girls Born


100% None Self-Care 不能生活自理

99% NO Hand Skills 手功能喪失

99% Will Never Speak 不能講話

64% Scoliosis 脊柱側彎

75% Seizures 腦癇

50% Will Never Walk 將永不能行走

All these happen from her 1st birthday or so…


Stage I: Early Onset Stagnation

0.5y 階段1: 初發停滯期 2y

★頭圍增長減緩 ★對於外界環境興趣不大★肌張減退

Deceleration of head growth Disinterest in surroundings Hypertonia

Stage 2: Rapid Development regression

1y 階段2: 發育快速倒退期 3y


★語言表達喪失★醒時過度喚氣, 睡覺呼吸暫停


Bruxism Irritability Loss of purposeful hand movements Stereotypic hand movements

Loss of expressive language Hyperventilation when awake, followed by sleep apnea

Autism like symptoms:

Stage 3: Pseudostationary peroid

3y 階段3: 偽穩態期 >10y




Some restitution of communication Happy disposition; enjoy close physical contact

Increasing ataxia, hyperreflexia, and rigidity Truncal ataxia

Scoliosis Seizures

Stage 4: Late motor deterioration

6y 階段4: 晚期運動機能惡化 >40y


★便秘★ 腦癇減少

Complete wheelchair dependence Progressive muscle wasting, spasticity, and scoliosis

Constipation Fewer Seizures